Outside-Invest YouTube channel.
Videos about income investment and real estate. General financial knowledge from the outside as well as market and stock analysis

Pinterest boards with short pinboards to the Youtube videos containing a summary of the videos with info graphics

Blog articles accompanying the Youtube videos with more details and links

My original personal blog with non-financial topics such as innovation management, security and software architecture

About me

Investor, Innovation, Security, Software, Architecture

My name is Peter Klotz, from main profession I’m software and security architect in the area of Industrial IoT (IIoT). In this area I’m looking for innovation in technology, functionality and business models in connected manufacturing and logistics.

Apart from this, I’m an active investor in stock and real estate, unfortunately with minimum budget :-).


Value & Income Investment

I’m only investor, not a trader for the time being. Among the different investment strategies, the value and income investment strategies are the ones suitable for me in my situation. Therefore I look for investment vehicles with an underlying business value that bring regular income by means of dividends or other distributions.

Russian Value Stock

I have an affinity to Russia (not politically) and think that there are very interesting undervalued companies there.


The US market is so big and heterogenious and my investment budget so neglectable that I prefer to invest into closed-end funds to cover the different sectors.

Company Bonds

If at all investing in bonds, then not government bonds as they do not provide any interest. So if then I’m investing in company bonds with just the right rating, not junk but no AAA and only if price is low.

Emerging Markets

US stock is mostly too expensive and having the right broker allows to invest in more markets that are more interesting, especially emerging markets.

Real Estate

Real Estate Investment

My basic investment is in real estate, as I believe in this asset class. At the moment my portfolio is very small but I intend to invest further.

ETW Ludwigshafen

I have a 116qm flat in Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Rheinland-Pfalz) normally leased.

ETW Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen

My hobby is my flat in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, leased as a shared appartment to students, azubis but also working people.

Future Investments

I intend to invest further into real estate but also in other regions in Baden-Württemberg.

Special Leasing

My strategy is to adapt the leasing model to the location. So in Stuttgart for example, regular leasing is nearly impossible with the prices one has to pay for flats here.

Selected Videos

Selected videos from the Outside-Invest Youtube channel

Transfer of the ISO 31000 as it is used in other areas such as project management of IT security to the world of finance.

Systematic model of diversification with focus on the different dimensions that need to be covered to have a diversifed portfolio.

Investors usually buy what they now, which means German stocks or ETFs or max from the western world. But the world is much wider and this video tries so show this in a systematic way.

Watch the Outside-Invest YouTube Channel

Latest from the Blog

Latest articles from the Outside-Invest blog. In the articles you usually find links to the corresponding videos and further explanation, details and links

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Selected impressions from my small real estate portfolio

Other Blogs

Other blogs and YouTube channels that I like to watch. 
Criteria: they should be informative and not focused on marketing some business only.

Anton Gneupel

Kolja Barghoorn

Robert Memmler