This is a multi-part message in MIME format. –==AVM_Fritz_Box==multipart/related==1== Content-Type: text/html; charset=“utf-8″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-ID: FRITZ=21Box 7530 Zustandsinformationen Ihre w=C3=B6chentliche […]
Vielen Dank für das nette Gespräch. Anbei meine E-Mail-Adresse: Ich freue mich schon. Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen […]
Preferred shares - defensive with yield
Luis Pazos, expert for high dividend values has published his 4th book in April 2020, „Geldanalage in Preferred Shares„. We […]
I have to admit that I was and still am very interested in Asia (ex-China), especially Japan and (South-)Korea. In […]
What you learn first in finance is, first improve your income, reduce your cost, especially bad loans, then build up […]
Russian mining & steel stock
Thanks to a valuable user comment on the Youtube channel, I was made aware that there are more steel producers […]
Closed-end Funds
When investing in the financial markets one can either use own stock picking skills or invest into collective investment instruments […]
Problem with index investing
I do not want to repeat in detail what ETFs are, there are hundreds of sources that do hits, please […]
Norsk Hydro vs. En+ Group
In my article on renewable energy in Russia, we said that En+ Group has the problem that you’re not only […]
Polymetal International
In the video on Russian commodities we have also covered the Gold and industry metals stocks on the Russian market, […]